A : Have you done your yesterday’s daily report?
B : No, I haven’t. I had to attend the seminar all day long yesterday. I’ll do it right now.
A : Why didn’t you ask your co-worker to do it yesterday?
B : They were all busy yesterday.
A : Well, can you make it before 11 today? I need it to discuss our new project.
B : Yes sir, I will. What else should I prepare?
A : We are going to hold a general meeting tomorrow morning at 7 am. Can you go home late
today? We need to prepare all of the reports. And you must make them in power point.
B : No problem Sir, I will be ready for that.
A : Please inform all of the managers to join the meeting tomorrow.
B : Should I type the agenda for the meeting also?
A : Oh yes, I almost forget. Please type it, then copy it to 15, and distribute them to all
department managers.
B : Surely.