n Thailand there are many things that cause the air to be bad. A lot of the things that make you comfortable like cars air conditioners and other stuff pollute the air. 2 main sources of air pollution is cars and factory production. Did you know that there are more that 400 million cars on the roads in Bangkok which why the results show that Bangkok and the rest of the central region is creating approximately 60 to 70% of the pollution in Thailand. Some other sources that are causing air pollution is the power plants: where they burn fossil fuels to make energy, Forest burning, agriculture burning, garbage burning and open cooking. In Thailand we are lucky we do not get too much of natural disasters that causes air pollution. In Thailand the pollution is coming to a critical & serious case that many people are trying solve, will you help us solve the problem. When the bad air is made it affects many many things such as our health’s and the environment. Go to environment affects and health affects