Make sure you want to be a model, research the business carefully!
2. Make sure you have the correct measurements for a model career. If not get into shape! Please note: Height is also important.
3. Get some good model pictures of yourself!
4. Send a few of the best model pictures to people that are in the business and have proper offices. Preferably someone that has been recommended to you and knows the model business for some years!
5. Get all the information you can about which model agencies you want to join. Make a selection of the best ones to contact!
6. Send your pictures to the model agencies!
7. You may want to get a personel agent known as a "mother agent" in the model business if you dont know who to contact!
8. Arrange with your agent to get started!
9. Make sure all your travelling documents are up to date and ready (e.g. passports)!
10. Start work or go on your first trip if you are not in a major modeling city!