Clause 10. If the Lessee fails to comply with this Agreement i.e. having unpaid rental or causing damage to the property of the Lessor by which the damaged amount exceeds the security damage or casing disturbance or nuisance against other residents or fails to comply with the house rules, the Lessee is entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately and the Lessee and his/her dependents shall have to vacate the property within 7 days from date of notice and restore the unit into original condition. If the Lessee and his/her dependents fail to vacate the unit within specified period, a daily penalty of 500 Baht shall apply. In addition, during the term of this Agreement if the property of the Lessee has been seized by the decision of the court, this Agreement shall be terminated immediately without prior notice of the Lessor.
Clause 11. In making payment for penalty under Clause 10, the Lessee shall pay penalty on a daily basis to the Lessor. Failing to make such payment, the Lessee agrees for the Lessor to forthwith press criminal trespassing charge. In addition, the Lessor is entitled to instruct and remove the belongings of the Lessee for disposal or sale and to file civil case as a claim of damage against the Lessee on another part.
Clause 12. When the lease term is completed and when the Lessor carries out inspection for orderliness and cleanliness of the property, the Lessee shall have to pay cleaning fee for 300 Baht. In addition, if the property is damaged, the Lessee shall have to make repair or replacement in which the Lessor can deduct all expenses from the security deposit.