“Excuse me?” you asked, getting angry this time.
“Oh look, the mouse has a voice.”
“Doctor, he’s ready for his inspection,” you said, turning away from him.
Bones began taking blood from Harrison, and you could see the anger he held towards the man.
“No need to be upset, Doctor. The girl has her eyes on something better, it’s alright to be a little bit jealous.”
“Bones,” Jim came up and placed a hand on his shoulder. Leonard relaxed a little bit and let go of his arm.
“Y/N. Be careful, your boyfriend is a little bit temperamental-”
“Shut up, dammit!” you swore. “You don’t get to talk here, Harrison. You’re our prisoner, we make the rules, you follow them and shut the hell up,” you said, finally losing your temper.
“She’s correct, Harrison,” Jim said.
“My name is Khan,” he stated simply, going to sit down.
“Good, we’re done here,” Jim said, looking at you. He motioned for you to follow him. He walked out into a hallway, far away from the cell block and stopped.
“Captain, I’m sorry. I know I was out of line back there.”
“Don’t be sorry, Y/N, we were all thinking it. I think he’s trying to get to us, I think he already has.” You nodded. “There was just one more thing I wanted to discuss with you.”
“What’s that, Jim?”
“’Shut up, dammit’?” Jim asked quoting you. You looked at him and smiled, knowing where he was going with this.
“What?” you asked/whined.
“You sound just like him,” he joked with you as he began walking again.
“I do not!” you argued, smiling yourself.
“’Dammit’? Come on, Y/N, that’s what Bones says all the time. You’ve been spending too much time together!” he joked, and you punched his arm.
“I don’t see him complaining much,” you said.
“No, I don’t either. He’s much happier than I have ever seen him before. He’s crazy about you, Y/N. I see it every time he looks at you. With Khan today, I thought he was gonna murder him,” he said lovingly. “But, I do think you have been spending too much time together,” he joked again.
“Shut up!”