The belated recognition of men in our
efforts parallels efforts to involve men in
reproductive health initiatives internationally,
which has only gradually recognized
that men should be legitimate targets
for sexual and reproductive health
promotion, and that men should play
direct, active, and constructive roles as
part of a broader reproductive health
agenda.1 Several international initiatives
have taken place with themes such as
“Men as Partners in Reproductive
Health.”2 In the US, there has been a
steady increase in research and programs
on men’s health and family involvement,
but these have not heretofore been conceptualized
in a preconception health
context. We believe that there are several
distinct reasons why preconception care
for men is important.
The belated recognition of men in ourefforts parallels efforts to involve men inreproductive health initiatives internationally,which has only gradually recognizedthat men should be legitimate targetsfor sexual and reproductive healthpromotion, and that men should playdirect, active, and constructive roles aspart of a broader reproductive healthagenda.1 Several international initiativeshave taken place with themes such as“Men as Partners in ReproductiveHealth.”2 In the US, there has been asteady increase in research and programson men’s health and family involvement,but these have not heretofore been conceptualizedin a preconception healthcontext. We believe that there are severaldistinct reasons why preconception carefor men is important.
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