Respondents are then asked to indicate the proportion of shipments that
involve delivery windows of: o3 hours, between 3 and 24 hours and more than
24 hours. This information too is carried forward into the choice menus, by
representing the (stated) proportion of shipments that involve a delivery window
of 3 hours or less. On the same screen, respondents are asked to indicate the
distribution of cargo values for their shipments. Once an origin–destination pair
has been selected, respondents are prompted to indicate whether they have
experienced particular values for the freight rate and total transit time for
shipments between the origin and destination for both road and rail transport. If
the respondent indicates values on the screen, these values are carried forward
as base levels within the choice menus. If the respondent is unsure about any of
these values, they can leave the fields blank; in such cases, the base values are
specified as industry averages collected during the survey design process.