Related Work
In the FTS literature, few studies have explored the handoffs’ management in FTS software projects.
The main study that discusses handoffs was performed by Hess and Audy [12].
In this study, the authors propose a software process for daily handoffs.
This process aims to alleviate difficulties faced by teams during the development phase of FTS software projects.
A controlled experiment was performed to evaluate its efficiency. Findings from this study show that is possible to reduce development difficulties in FTS using the proposed process.
The process is based on Composite Persona (CP) [4] and 24hr Design and Development [13] concepts.
In addition, it uses the test-driven development (TDD) technique and stand-up meeting guidelines from Scrum methodology to conduct meetings.
Other studies, such as, Carmel [14] and Ramesh and Dennis [15] report characteristics and challenges faced by teams to perform handoffs on FTS projects.
These studies observe problems mainly related to daily handoffs’ management.
In the study performed by Carmel [14], it was observed that many problems related to handoffs’ management were due to a lack of time overlap between teams and the lack of communication in real time.
Ramesh and Dennis [15] reports challenges faced by teams managing versions of code and documents. Furthermore, it was observed in this study that many problems occurred during synchronous communication performed by telephone and email.
Related Work
In the FTS literature, few studies have explored the handoffs’ management in FTS software projects.
The main study that discusses handoffs was performed by Hess and Audy [12].
In this study, the authors propose a software process for daily handoffs.
This process aims to alleviate difficulties faced by teams during the development phase of FTS software projects.
A controlled experiment was performed to evaluate its efficiency. Findings from this study show that is possible to reduce development difficulties in FTS using the proposed process.
The process is based on Composite Persona (CP) [4] and 24hr Design and Development [13] concepts.
In addition, it uses the test-driven development (TDD) technique and stand-up meeting guidelines from Scrum methodology to conduct meetings.
Other studies, such as, Carmel [14] and Ramesh and Dennis [15] report characteristics and challenges faced by teams to perform handoffs on FTS projects.
These studies observe problems mainly related to daily handoffs’ management.
In the study performed by Carmel [14], it was observed that many problems related to handoffs’ management were due to a lack of time overlap between teams and the lack of communication in real time.
Ramesh and Dennis [15] reports challenges faced by teams managing versions of code and documents. Furthermore, it was observed in this study that many problems occurred during synchronous communication performed by telephone and email.
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