Using Web Interactive Multimedia Technology: Several Approaches
Asma Md Ali, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Joan Richardson, RMIT University, Australia
Abstract: This paper presents a number of insights into how a web interactive multimedia technology (WIM-T), an
information and communication system, is currently being used by lecturers in the university context. WIM-T consists of
several features such as chat, audio, and screen board. It provides students with the opportunity for real time
collaboration. When used in a university blended learning environment, it enables immediate feedback between
participants across a physical space. This paper discusses the findings conducted using an exploratory approach
employing semi-structured interviews. This research contributes to the evaluation of new technology affordances and
their effective use when designing subject deliveries.
Keywords: Web Interactive Multimedia Technology, Blended Environment, Teaching and Learning Activities, Learning
Constructive Alignment Evaluation
his paper analyses several approaches of using technology affordances in learning and
teaching. It is part of a research to produce a method for fast tracking academic
application adoption decisions by pushing the choice of affordances to the subject design
phase rather than post implementation. The research is underpinned by a design science model
that ensures a holistic approach to data collection from all stakeholders. Information gathered
incorporated stakeholder perspectives of the impact of technology affordance adoption on the
effectiveness of learning and teaching within the constraints of university technology
infrastructure. Web interactive multimedia technology (WIM-T) used in this research is
Elluminate The affordances of Elluminate, are tied to the functional use in educational settings to
provide descriptions that could be used by academics to inform their decisions about adoption as
they design subject schedules and deliveries in accordance with requirements of the constructive
alignment (Biggs 2007).
Literature Review
Design Science Research Approach
Design science research is a technology oriented paradigm. Whereas natural science tries to
understand reality, design science attempts to create things to meet certain desired goals.
According to Hevner, March, Jinsoo and Ram (2004), design science research is increasingly
recognised as complimentary to behavioural science research in information systems.
Behavioural science enables development and verification of theories that explain or predict
human or organizational behaviour, while design science extends the boundaries of human and
organisational capabilities by creating new and innovative artefacts. Both paradigms are
foundational to the discipline as the intersection of people, organisations and technology
underpins all investigations. Behavioural science addresses research through the development
and justification of theories that explain or predict the impact of particular phenomena in an
organisation. Design science addresses research through the building and evaluation of artefacts
designed to meet identified organisational needs. The goal of design science research is change
and innovation with demonstrated utility.