These Things Are a Pain
"The dreaded end of year appraisal is upon us!" Linda exclaimed. Like all the employees in her organization Linda asked to fill out an appraisal form and submit it to the HR department Linda's immediate supervisor was heard saying, "Here we go again, the paper pushing session All employees were required to look back and reflect on the tasks they did during the year, making sure that all value-added activities were documented and accounted for in the appraisal forms The Linda's boss, Irene, had hinted that it seemed like a hassle to appraise her subordinates the appraisal assessed employees on different criteria. including whether their goals are in line with the company's core values. Other criteria included efforts to improve teaching performance, panici. pation in student and college activities, research, and personal attributes. As Linda was a new lecturer in a private in university in Malaysia, she felt nervous. She had undergone the mid-year appraisal and had a negative experience from it As she filled in the appraisal form wondere whether she had met all the targets setout of her. "Have I form improved in the areas was told I was weak in?' she thought. Indeed, thinking back to the mid- year performance review Irene had mentioned a few areas of weaknesses. Among them was the need to remain alert about her students' performance and to improve her teaching performance and classroom management. Linda felt that each of these criteria required a different measurement tool Linda down that during the semester she had frequent discussions with her peers as an effort to improve her teaching performance. Linda thought about how would this could be