From: Jane Glh []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 2:33 PM
To: Thomas Lund
Cc: Poul-Erik Høyer; ; KhunyingPatama Leeswadtrakul; Kenny Goh; Mike Morgan; Stuart Borrie; Andrew Hines-Randle
Subject: Re: Letter to the President of BWF
Dear Mr Thomas Lund
Thank you very much for your reply and clarification of the Provisional Suspension handed to Mr Lee Chong Wei.
As we had mentioned this charity event in honor of our Beloved King has taken a long time to organize and as we are in a difficult situation we are appreciative of your explanation on the limitations of Mr Lee Chong Wei participation in this event.
May we understand that apart from signing autographs, Mr Lee Chong Wei may show his technical skills by sparring with another player? As Badminton is a 2 man game the only way that Mr Lee Chong Wei may show his skills is by playing with another person. If this is acceptable then it would help us a lot to avoid an embarrassment to the organizers. The sparring event will not have any counting of points but just a show of Mr Lee Chong Wei skill.
We look forward to your support to enable us to make this charity event a successful one.
In the meantime we would like invite you once again to attend this charity event.
Thank you
Best regards
Jane Piyatat