It relates the open surface integral of the curl of vector A over a surface s to the closed contour integral of the vector A
over the contour enclosing the surface s. To show that this relation is correct, we will use the relations derived from the curl
and recall that curl is circulation per unit area.
Consider again the components of the curl in Eqs. (2.94) through (2.96). These were derived for the rectangular loops in
Figure 2.22. Now, we argue as follows: The total circulation of the vector A around a general loop ABCDA is the sum of the
circulations over its projections on the x–y, x–z, and y–z planes as was shown in Figure 2.23. That this is correct follows from
the fact that the circulation is calculated from a scalar product. Thus, we can write the total circulation around the elementary
loops of Figure 2.22 using Eq. (2.105) as