The logistical risks of this project have all been minimized. First, there’s no shipping to worry about as there are no physical products to deliver. Secondly, all of the online infrastructure has already been built and Schoolism has been successfully running for eight years now. Finally, we have already run a successful Kickstarter before in the form of “Niko & The Sword of Light” so none of this process is new to us.
The real risk in this project, however, is larger than the Kickstarter itself. This campaign represents Schoolism’s push towards a brighter future for art education. With Schoolism Subscriptions, we hope to make the long sought-after knowledge of today’s top professionals accessible to the masses. If this Kickstarter were to fail, then it would mark a great obstacle in the path towards widespread art education. This is why we hope you will become a backer, and ask others to join you with us in making art education history.