On one side of St. George's Castle’s wall Yurin left a graffiti.
Petrov is an idiot. A dog.
Even during the festival in Morata Weed did not play around.
“During the festival it’s a must to do food business.”
Foods made for special occasion sold well and it was also a good way to increase the skill proficiency.
It won’t matter even if he overcharges them!
Cooking skill is intermediate level 8! He had about 4.3% left for it become level 9.
“I need to quickly raise my cooking skill to advanced.”
Even when hunting, people made and ate three meals a day diligently.
Cooking is regularly utilized and is very useful, not only will his skill proficiency increases, but his food will taste good and it also increased stats.
Sewing, forging, fishing, sculpting, fencing(sword skill), herbal medicine, bandages.
There were many areas he had encompassed.
If one were to acquire advanced cooking skill, the intimacy with soldiers and the local people(NPC) would be easier to obtain.
What’s amazing was he would be able to make a tasty soup from two anchovies and three pieces of seafood.
When Weed was returning from Jigolaths, he caught squids and anchovies and made it into fish sauce, thanks to the food that he had fermented, he was able to complete various dishes.
Sooner or later he had to raise to advanced in cooking skill.
“Fresh seafood house. If there is anyone who wants a taste of the sea, please come this way.”
Weed only cooked the fish and other seafood because it was easily perishable.
There aren’t really that many Morata player that go fishing to the remote seaside, this allowed him to properly sell different variety of seafood.
“Please get in line for whale, tuna, and sharks because it will be gone soon. If all three of these fishes is gone, please do not worry. There are other menu like the giant squid slice that are ready.”
Weed was able to make spectacular moves with his sword and slice the flesh of the whale.
The ability to focus on cooking, and the talent to concentrate on cutting them with the sword into sashimi.
“I should make it thin. That way, it would look like there is a lot....and I can make more money!”
Even when Weed was boiling spicy stew pot, there was a difference in Weed’s cooking compared with others.
If other cooks were cooking in the same pot, they would make about eight servings, while Weed can make ten servings!
Once again, he used plenty of inexpensive vegetable and accurately distributing bones, head, and tails
He did not waste anything even dishing out the last cold serving, made him popular.
Since the hunting trip at the Lair of Litvart where he cooked food for the soldiers, set him apart, by dishing out 20 servings by the time it takes other cooks to do 10 servings.
“This looks amazing. Will you cook and make shark sashimi?”
“What does it taste like? Will it rise our stats by a lot?”
The mere rumors of Weed, who appeared several times on TV, made customers gather around him like clouds!
“If both of us eat it together it’ll taste amazing.”
“Shhh, I am cutting up large squid tentacles right now.”
All of Weed’s cooking at the High Seas were posted on the internet through video, and pictures were edited for the players to stimulate their appetites. It made people want to try eating them.
Weed was able to exploit them more easily.
“How will I be able to cook something this good?”
When young newbie cooks asked questions, Weed gathered them around and answered while cooking spicy fish soup.
“Use fresh ingredients and clean water, and be conscious of your seasoning that you make yourself.”
The people who ate sashimi loved the taste so they ate it quickly, and since there were a lot of people that wanted more, scorched rice and stew broth were offered as extra service!
If they drink just the soup, their mouth became scalded, then they would drink fruit liquor, with no other choice, they would order sashimi.
This was the 2nd and 3rd time where Weed slily outdone them!
“As you usually drink crab soup, it includes baby clam soup! For your information there are less toxin in this puffer fish. There is a chance that if you eat it you could die, it’s only being sold to people who have resistance to poison and high health, we are not responsible for your actions.”
When Weed’s intermediate cooking skill is level 8. He was able to sell high quality cooking. A vast amount of menu of seafood cooking!
It’s not because of the guest, it was because of his return from Jigolaths in catching fish.
-Cooking Skill has reached intermediate level 9. You will be able to draw out deep flavors.
“Finally, I reached level 9.”
Weed's cooking tent was always full with no available seats. The festival restaurants were always busy and crowded.
While simmering the soup, he also made sculptures in the brief moments he had in between.
If you have something interesting to watch while you're having your meal, there is a feeling that it will taste even better!
While cooking, he collected the leftover shells and used them to make a large crab sculpture.
“I would like three servings please!”
“Would they be mixing the food for us as well?”
Making menus relevant to the sculptures became popular!
Crab soup with crab chowder, with some gratings from its shell, together with fried rice, made the perfect one course meal.
Spreading around that irresistible aroma that made everyone wait in the long line.
“There quite a bit of Adventurers now.”
Players of Royal Road all saw the advertisements on the bulletin board, and widely known Adventurers have joined in as well.
Many Adventurers came to explore the Northern continent. These players had deep pockets and would spend so much money eating and enjoying the cooking of the famous player.
"There are still many dungeons that the players didn't know about in the northern continent. We are many parties gathered together and have collected considerable amount of information."
Adventurer’s offered themselves up to Weed.