The explosion of a star is an awesome event. The most violent of these การแปล - The explosion of a star is an awesome event. The most violent of these อุสเบกิสถาน วิธีการพูด

The explosion of a star is an aweso

The explosion of a star is an awesome event. The most violent of these cataclysms, which produce supernovae, probably destroys a star completely. Within our galaxy of roughly 100 billion stars the last supernova was observed in 1604. Much smaller explosions, however, occur quite frequently, giving rise to what astronomers call novae and dwarf novae. On the order of 25 novae occur in our galaxy every year, but only two or three are near enough to be observed. About 100 dwarf novae are known altogether. If the exploding star is in a nearby part of the galaxy, it may create a “new star” that was not previously visible to the naked eye. The last new star of this sort that could be observed clearly from the Northern Hemisphere appeared in 1946. In these smaller explosions the star loses only a minute fraction of its mass and survives to explode again. Astrophysicists are fairly well satisfied that they can account for the explosions of supernovae. The novae and dwarf novae have presented more of a puzzle. From recent investigations that have provided important new information about these two classes of exploding star, the picture that emerges is quite astonishing. It appears that every dwarf nova – and perhaps every nova – is a member of a pair of stars. The two stars are so close together that they revolve around a point that lies barely outside the surface of the larger star. As a result the period of rotation is usually only a few hours, and their velocities range upward to within a two-hundredth of the speed of light.
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Yulduzning portlash ajoyib voqeadir. ehtimol butunlay yulduzni halok, o'ta yangi yulduzlar ishlab chiqarish, bu ofatlarni, eng kuchli. Oxirgi o'ta 1604. Much kichik portlashlar kuzatildi taxminan 100 milliard yulduzli Bizning galaktikamizdagi doirasida Biroq, astronomlar yangi va mitti Novak deganimiz sabab bergan, juda tez-tez sodir bo'ladi. 25 Novak tartibi to'g'risida har yili bizning galaktikamizdagi sodir, lekin faqat ikki yoki uch etarlicha yaqin kuzatilgan kerak. Taxminan 100 mitti Novak butunlay ma'lum. Otashin yulduz galaktika yaqin bir qismi bo'lsa, u oldindan yalang'och ko'z bilan ko'rinadigan emas edi, bir "yangi yulduz» yaratish mumkin. Shimoliy yarimsharda dan aniq kuzatilishi mumkin, bunday so'nggi yangi yulduz yulduz uning massasi faqat bir daqiqa qismini yo'qotadi va yana portlash omon bu kichik portlashlar yilda 1946 yilda paydo bo'ldi. Astrofiziklar to'g'ri ular o'ta yangi yulduzlarning portlashlari uchun hisob mumkin yaxshi ma'qul. yangi va mitti Novak bir jumboq ko'proq taqdim etishdi. Otashin yulduz bu ikki sinflarni haqida muhim yangi ma'lumot bergan so'nggi tergov boshlab, paydo rasm ancha hayratlanarli emas. Va, ehtimol, har bir nova - - yulduzlar bir juft a'zo bo'lib, har bir mitti nova, deb ko'rsatiladi. ikki yulduz Bas, ular katta yulduzning yuzasidan tashqi zo'rg'a yotadi a nuqta atrofida aylanadi, deb birga yaqin. Natijada aylanish davri, odatda, faqat bir necha soat, va ularning tezligi yorug'lik tezligi ikki yuzdan ichida uchun yuqoriga farq qiladi.
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