One day the king asked Khun Phean and Khun Chang to come to city of Ayutthaya. Then Khun Phean was brought into the forest by king’s servants. Suddenly, servants tried to kill Khun Phean, but Khun Phaen killed servants for protection. Therefore, the king said that Khun Phaen killed servants and put him in jail. While Khun Phaen is in jail, Wantong gave the birth who named Plai-Ngarm who is a son of Khun Phean. However, Khun Chang hate him, so when a child is six years old, he send him to the forest and left him at there on purpose. However, he could escape and Wantong send his son to the grandmother’s house. After that Plai-Ngarm was asked from the king that he should control the soldiers and go to fight up to north. Therefore, Plai-Ngarm asked king to bring Khun Phean, too, so Khun Phean could get off from the jail. While Khun Phean and Plai-Ngarm went to the north, king asked Wantong to choose Khun Phean and Khun Chang, which one is the best for her. However, she couldn’t choose who the best is because both of them have good point. Then the king got really angry. When Plai-Ngarm and Khun Phean went to the north, they got new wifes. However, finally family of Plai-Ngarm and Khun Phaen and Wantong be together and stay together forever.