the elected members of the Corporation at the first meeting of the Corporation after a general election when the Mayor is also elected. The Chairman Job is to convene meetings of the Corporation and to preside over them like the speaker of the Legislature.
The Act provides for only a single statutory committee, the Municipal Accounts Committee. This consists of between five and seven persons who are elected by the members of the Corporation from amongstthemselves in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote Members of the Mayor-in-Council are not eligible for being elected. this implies that this Committee is meant to be a separate statutory body to oversee the functions of the Mayor-in-Council from the point of view of accounts and audit The Committee may also include not more than two persons having special knowledge and experience in financial matters. They are to be nominated by the Corporation and they should not be members, officers or employees of the Corporation The essential job of this Accounts Committee is to examine the accounts by the auditors and to submit reports to the Corporation every year from time to time on the basis of such examination and scrutiny.
It is permissible on the part of the Mayor-in-Council to constitute other consultative committees for specific purposes. Each such committee will consist of not more than five elected members of the Corporation and its Jobwill be basically to advise the Mayor-in-Council in the discharge of his business