Throughout my life, I have been to many countries. However, I think the best country has to be Thailand as compared to Myanmar where I come from. The main reason is that I enjoy living there so much and I have lots of experiences to share with everyone. My life experience includes my first day in Thailand, my first day at school and my leisure activity.
My life experience on the first day in Thailand was a mixed feeling. At first I felt worried because I had to stay alone without a family member. Besides, I was unfamiliar with the local culture and language. Despite this worry, I felt happy because Thailand is a country where I always want to come to study.
My first day at school was interesting and a good fun. I met many people and was able to make friends. I also learned about so many things at the university. Welcoming new students, for instance, was an interesting activity because such an activity never exists in my homeland.
In addition to my first day in Thailand and at school, I have had many opportunities to visit different places in my leisure. So far I have been to Hua Hin, Supanburi and Lopburi. I enjoyed every bit of it as I still remembered the moment I spent time in each place. I felt amazed with what I saw and concluded that Thailand was an amazing country.
In conclusion, I want to say that my life experience in Thailand has been great and it is a very good country for me to live. All of Thai people are very kind and friendly because they are smiley to everyone even a foreign stranger like me.