• The design and implementation of a picture translator, dubbed iTranslatAR, using
the iOS platform, Tesseract OCR and Google Translate as a way of introducing
the iOS platform and integration of foreign libraries and APIs within the iOS
• The design of an augmented reality video frame translating application using the
iTranslatAR original design as a starting point. Although iTranslatAR augmented reality design was not implemented, a detailed explanation of the design and steps to implementing iOS AV Foundation framework used in the main focus of this research is provided along with this work.
• The design of an augmented reality hearing application dubbed iHeAR using the
iOS platform, OpenEars open source as the means for speech recognition, OpenCV as the means for image/frame processing, and Google Translate as the means for language-to-language translation. A detailed explanation of the OpenEars speech recognition system and the OpenCV face detection algorithm is provided along with this work.
• The implementation of the augmented reality hearing application design on iPad2.