Yu~♪ Pwaying "Human Exshterminashion" gech Mawisha eajy, je~!" (lit. playing human extermination lets me take it easy, rather hard to yu-ify it and not make it sound too complicated. If anyone can rephrase it better, please do so)
*puru puru* (shaking with excitement)
"Little one was very cool!"
"Mawisha ish alweady a pwo(pro) ach "Human Exshterminashion" je!"
"Mawisha will defeach all bwad humans je!"
"Yuhuhu... Little one is very reliable"
"And den! And den!"
"After ich ish peashful ach the eajy pwace..."
"Mawisha will take ich eajy chugether with mwommy forever je!"
"Little one..."
*Ji~n* (Happy feeling/silence. That filled with happiness awe silent appreciation consuming thing, I'm assuming)
"Yu~n♡ Little one is a very good child!
"Yu-n! Wubwub Hwappinesh!"
"Yu! Now dat dach deshided, lech shtart "Mash Exshterminashion" je!" (Although its simultaneous/all at once instead of mass, but simultaneous is too big of a word)
(mini text) "Zen canch take ich eajy je!" (What's a zen? Will fix when I find out, or if anyone else points it out)
*Pyon* (Hop)
"But... Little one..."
"Yu? Wach ish it mwommy?"
"...Isn't little one tired from playing a lot?" (She actually uses "moving around" instead of playing)
"Let's just take a nap for today"
"Yu~... Now dach I shink abouch ich, kinda shweepy..."
*uto uto* (nodding off to sleep)
"Here, mommy will sing a lullaby for little one!"
*supi-...* (sleeping sfx)
"Mwommy's shong eajy-...