of unburned hydrocarbons (HC) in the exhaust gases is usually denoted as un-burnt hydrocarbon (UHC) [32]. The deviation of the indicated specific un-burnt hydrocarbon emissions for different H2 energy contents is represented in Fig. 9.With 11%,17%, 30% and 42% hydrogen additions, the indicated specific UHC emissions increased to 0.053 g/kW-hr, 0.044 g/kW-hr,0.038 g/kW-hr and 0.035 g/kW-hr respectively, from 0.039 g/kW-hr (0% H2). With the accumulation of hydrogen, an increase of the hydrocarbon values is experimented. Moreover,all of the measured UHC emissions, including neat diesel and hydrogen-diesel fuels, are present in a smaller value than regulations norms based on the engine characteristics. Zhou et al. [29] investigated the impact of hydrogen addition on engine performance and emissions. The hydrogen energy content was altered 0e42% of the total fuel. As per their results,
low levels of hydrogen accumulation (11% and 17%) increased hydrocarbon emissions and high levels of hydrogen
accumulation (30% and 42%) reduced hydrocarbon emissions under full load condition.
of unburned hydrocarbons (HC) in the exhaust gases is usually denoted as un-burnt hydrocarbon (UHC) [32]. The deviation of the indicated specific un-burnt hydrocarbon emissions for different H2 energy contents is represented in Fig. 9.With 11%,17%, 30% and 42% hydrogen additions, the indicated specific UHC emissions increased to 0.053 g/kW-hr, 0.044 g/kW-hr,0.038 g/kW-hr and 0.035 g/kW-hr respectively, from 0.039 g/kW-hr (0% H2). With the accumulation of hydrogen, an increase of the hydrocarbon values is experimented. Moreover,all of the measured UHC emissions, including neat diesel and hydrogen-diesel fuels, are present in a smaller value than regulations norms based on the engine characteristics. Zhou et al. [29] investigated the impact of hydrogen addition on engine performance and emissions. The hydrogen energy content was altered 0e42% of the total fuel. As per their results,low levels of hydrogen accumulation (11% and 17%) increased hydrocarbon emissions and high levels of hydrogenaccumulation (30% and 42%) reduced hydrocarbon emissions under full load condition.
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