At present, there are many different jobs and careers, we choose to do depends on whether we will choose to work? I believe that everyone has ideas about education that we want to learn? In order to work or work that we like That is the alternative. Each person's ambition may not be the same, but everyone has the right to think and to make dreams come true. Some people may be a dream that would be ideal frenetic air hostess that wanted to be a nurse as a dentist. Or someone who likes to live in a world of fanciful might want to be a computer graphic. Some people might want to be a teacher.
That everyone has the right to make the dream a reality. If an attempt was made to. Curious curious student diligent endurance When it happens, there is a feeling of despondency discouraged from family and friends waiting to succeed in what hopefully. In order to continue to fight patiently to work openly and is self love. I want to be an engineer because I think a professional career as an engineer with honor. There's an occupation that is responsible for the calculation of a design. Creation of prosperity to the country. As well as the environment and quality of life, honor, dignity, and trust that the public chanom to steam engineering profession is the faith people, who place the Foundation structure. Utilities Quality, integrity and ethics to be wise and moral nation, driven further progressive development.
Professional engineers is a professional who is responsible for study design calculation analysis. Monitoring, troubleshooting, and production control, such as the construction of buildings. The design and manufacture of mechanical control car factory. Such as civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, environmental engineering, and more.
By private I want to be a electrical engineer because electrical power is needed, especially as the world is still spinning along with the development of. I believe that is necessary in the various industrial sectors nourished. The economy, the recession, the bride must find the source of power, and more have been added to meet the needs of the country and happiness of the people as well as.