The job skill acquire during university life and not the same in actual workplace. Self-Motivation is a self-starter. The definition of motivate is to give somebody a reason or incentive to do something. Through this definition, can conclude that for an employee to be motivated they must feel like they are making a difference with what they are doing or that by succeeding at this particular job will lead to other career advances. For to be motivated, he or she must feel one of these things. Now that we all understand a little better what motivation is, let us take a better look at why motivation is so essential to the “perfect employee.”
Ideal employees should be able to take on a job or task and figure out a solution without having to be harassed by the manager throughout the entire day. This takes a “get it done” type of personality in which they are not afraid to help out with things without being asked or constantly nagged. Bosses want to be confident that things are getting done when they turn their back on employees, because if their team is made up of motivated people then they know that tasks will be completed.