OH-specialists specific work related disorders (such
as dermatological ailments, musculoskeletal disorders)
represent a third type of occupational health profession-
als. They are employed in the six expertise centres,
established during the last 10 years in various aca-
demic centres. Since the termination of subvention by
government, medical insurance compensates the refer-
rals to these centres. The academic representation of
occupational medicine did improve considerably by
the coming of the specialists. Together with the service
bureau of the Association of Occupational Medicine
they contributed largely to the development of also
professional guidelines.Clinical consultants for occupational medicine in
hospitals are a fourth type of occupational health pro-
fessionals. They are employed by hospitals in order to
consult medical specialists about the work relatedness
of symptoms and the impact of work on treatment.
A new phenomenon in the field of occupational
health is the private practices or partnerships of occu-
pational physicians outside OHSs. They are hired by
companies who want to organize their health and safety
themselves as well as by OHSs as freelancers. There are
about 150 occupational physicians working in private
practices and they have established within the Associa-
tion of Occupational Medicine their own commission.
The increase of private practices indicates a relative
increase of the influence of the professionals in their
relation to OHS-management.
In order to get a clear identity of the profes-
sion of occupation of medicine, the Association of
Occupational Medicine accepted in 2005 new ‘Com