The changes of cities in the world’s which get along with their rapid development, certainly impact greatly the way of life and Thai society condition, the relationship in family which is the smallest units in the society have been changing and leading to the disaffection of family members, especially in the kinship of mother and child because of the distance. The researcher therefore noticed the impact of the changes and the importance of the above issues and then being the inspiration to create sculpture art work that will help creating aesthetic to people in society including be a medium to build a good relationship between the beloved people, and help raising awareness to them to appreciate their benefactress and recall them The Virtue of All Mankind. This research aims to present two pieces of sculpture under the title “Mother: The Virtue of All Mankind”, intended to express the value of love of mother toward her child through the creative process of visual arts (Sculpture), which consists of attitude, concept, creating forms and expression, as well as the change to unravel of the emotion. Suggestions and solutions to the problems in this creation research are creating a new context of form, space and the material is the important variable in the discovery, as the work is coherent toward the audiences.The researcher hopes that the study on “Mother: The Virtue of All Mankind”, will bring benefits to all those interested in the arts and to be used as guidelines for further study and art work creation.