10. Season one sub-villain The Anointed One was always kind of lame, but he had to be killed off even earlier than planned in season two because the young actor (Andrew J Ferchland) had noticeably matured, and was supposed to be playing an immortal vampire.
11. Buffy gets turned into a rat for a large portion of the Xander-centric season two episode 'Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered', because Sarah Michelle Gellar needed time off during production in order to film her first appearance on Saturday Night Live.
12. That "Grrr. Arrgh." that you hear at the end of every Mutant Enemy episode is Joss Whedon's voice. Mutant Enemy was the name he gave to his first typewriter, at the age of 15.
Read more: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ustv/feature/a590811/27-things-you-never-knew-about-buffy-the-vampire-slayer.html#~oSVeJ83lBO2rJo#ixzz3GNP4Q5u1
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