In the most comprehensive article on digital backpacks, Amirian (2007)
focused on finding a solution to overcome many technology integration
issues. Similar to the ideas in Wolfson and Amirian (2003), Amirian (2007)
suggested loading a backpack with the technology that university faculty and
teachers need access to for their instruction. Beyond equipment access, the
concept of the Amirian (2007) digital backpack seemed underdeveloped,
especially around the various environmental and learning parameters. There
was little explanation of how the technology of the backpack’s structure
actually integrated into the learning process. Much of the article focused on
the professional development experience that incorporated the backpack
rather than on the digital backpack structure itself. Although vastly different
in goals and design from our digital backpacks, Amirian’s design showed
that, after this intensive experience, the participants had enthusiastic perceptions
of the backpack concept.