We [20] investigated the role of osmotic potential of media on the early growth stages of sago palm in vitro.
Significant effects on the growth rate of explants after four weeks of culture under different sucrose and Dsorbitol
combinations were noted. A modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplied with 22.5 g
sucrose and 7.5 g sorbitol which created a low osmotic potential environment (-0.457 MPa) caused increases in
weights of the explants. This osmotic potential was found optimal for the initial growth of sago palm explants
in vitro. In contrast, explants cultured in intermediate osmotic potential media (-0.380 MPa) obtained little
increase in weight. Results suggested that owing to the sago palm’s ecology where it is highly adapted to
flooding even by saline water, explants likewise preferred a low osmotic potential in vitro.