Abstract. "Hannah's Choice F, is a new, high quality eastern type muskmelon(Cacamis melo L) with multiple disease resistance. It was developed in the Department of Pant Breeding at the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station in 1thaca, N.Y. It is well adapted for northeastern US. conditions and shows potential for good adaptation in the northwest. With multiple disease resistance it is well suited for home gardeners, market zardeners, and commercial growers, Hannah's Choice F, has evcellent resistance to powdery mildew races i and 2(Podosphaeraxanth) and some tolerance to Fusarium root rot(Fasarium arysporium sp. melonis) race 2. In addition, it has resistance to watermelou mosaic virus(WMV, papaya ringspot virus PRSV) and zucchini yellow mosaic virus EZYMV.Thisis the first commercial melon to have combined resistance to these three potyviruses. Also, it has shown some seld tolerance to spider mites(Tetranychus urnicae. Lastly, it has shown some Beld tolerance to downy mildew(Pseudoperonospora cubensis, angular leaf spot(Pseudomonas syringae pv. bachrymans and gummy stem blight(Didymella bryoniae. In 200L 2002, and 2003 it was grown in replicated trials in New York and in 2002 and 2003 in oregon