1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to maintain and improve quality/ environment system by taking
actions to correct nonconformity detected after evaluating the vaildity and the effectiveness of
documented quality/ environment system.
2. Scope
This procedure is applied to internal audit process and responsibility that are conducted to verify
the validity and the effectiveness of planned agreements of quality/ environment system.
3. Terms and definitions
1) Internal audit
Systematic and independent investigation to find out whether results from quality/ environment activities
comply with plans, whether the plans are conducted effectively, and whether the plans are appropriate for
achievement of goals.
2) Audit team
The audit team consists of the lead auditor and auditors. The lead auditor leads the team.
3) Auditor
Auditors are qualified persons for internal audit.
4) Team to be audited
A team that is an object of internal audit
4. Responsibility and authority
1) President
Approval for plans of internal audit and for report about the results of internal audit.
2) Management Representative(M.D)
(1) Review and approval for plans of internal audit and for report about the results of internal audit
(2) Selection, review, and approval for the lead auditor and auditors
3) Head of quality control
(1) Directing internal audit
(2) Selecting audit team
(3) Preparing yearly plans and spcific schedules for internal audit
(4)Reporting internal audit
(5) Verifying whether corrective actions are taken for items pointed out during internal audit
(6) Maintaining documents related to internal audit
4) Lead auditor
(1) Directing internal audit
(2) Preparing checklists for internal audit
(3) Preparing request for corrective/ preventive actions
5) Head of department
(1) Focusing on work as a team to be audited
(2) Taking corrective actions for items pointed out during internal audit