The other thing to look at is things you should look for when selecting a job is the location, which is very important when choosing as you may have to live away from home or move to a place nearer to your work. Seeking out the right employer is one of life's big challenges for graduates. You need to be rational, thoughtful and well prepared. Don't accept a job offer on impulse - do some research and ask certain questions before you sign the contract.
Choosing the right job and the right company to work for will be one of the most important decisions that you will ever have to make. You should know whether you would like to work within a small team or whether you want to work for a large multi-national company in a big city, and therefore would apply for appropriate jobs. Working for a small company is a great way to learn fast and pick up. Whereas working for a large or multi-national company will appeal to the more career-minded people or those who are interested in a bigger challenge, and the last important thing is going with your gut feeling if you visit a company and feel relaxed and comfortable with what you see, the chances are that you would be happy working in that place in the future.