Diagnostic characters: Body depth 2.5 to 3 times in standard length. Snout length greater than eye
diameter; head scales reaching to between anterior margin of eyes and posterior nostrils; lower limb
of preopercle scaly; antrorse suborbital spine absent; suborbital depth 1.2 to 2.1 times in eye diameter.
Total pectoral-fin rays 17 to 19 (usually 18); pelvic fins long, reaching almost to level of origin of anal fin;
caudal fin forked or lunate, upper lobe a little longer than lower lobe (lobes produced to form short
filamentous extensions in larger specimens). Lateral-line scales 46 to 49 (usually 47 or 48). Colour:
greyish on back, white below; brown longitudinal steaks on back above lateral line, and oblique
yellow streaks below lateral line; a brown midlateral stripe, expanded in the middle; 3 blue stripes
on snout; uppermost joining eyes above nostrils, middle stripe joining eyes through nostrils, lower
stripe from eye to tip of snout; interspaces between stripes yellow; a blue stripe on preopercle behind
eye; a blue chevron-shaped stripe running upwards onto opercle from below eye and bending
downwards towards pectoral-fin base; space between stripes on preopercle and opercle yellow; a
brown bar at base of pectoral fins; unpaired fins pale yellow, edged with blue.
Size: Maximum standard length 26 cm, commonly to 18 cm standard length.
Habitat, biology, and fisheries: A benthic species found on sand bottoms close to reefs in depths to 50 m.
Occurs solitary or in small groups. Feeds on small fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, and polychaetes. A
protogynous hermaphrodite. Appears in small numbers in local markets. Caught by trawl and bamboo stake
trap (Thailand), and by handline. Sold fresh. Prepared fried and in fish balls or used as duck food (Thailand).
No major fishery exists.