Sharpening theTechnological Edge
A Strategic Component of the SAF
The SAF recognised the critical importance of technology since its earliest
days. Over the years, we have built up a strong defence technological
capability. Today, technology is integrated into all aspects of the SAF’s
operations. The SAF operates weapon systems and equipment that are
often enhanced or specially tailored to its unique operating requirements.
Some of these are indigenously produced and some purchased off the
shelf. As force multipliers, technology has enhanced the capabilities of
the SAF in many areas.
Building a Strong Indigenous
Technological Capability
We will continue to have a strong indigenous technological capability so
that the SAF can continue to develop its own “silver bullets”, such as
Electronic Warfare, for that extra edge. An indigenous defence
technological capability also allows the SAF to customise and develop
weapon systems to meet its own unique operational requirements. The
SAF operates in an environment that is quite different from many of the
countries that supply our weapon systems, so customising the weapon
systems we buy from others would maximise the SAF’s effectiveness.
Having a technological capability also means that we can develop weapon
systems specially for the SAF, by making use of commercial-off-the-shelf
equipment to reduce cost and development lead-time