Respondents were asked to record details of individual trips into
an electronic diary – created in Microsoft Excel – and return the file
via email on a fortnightly basis. Diarists were contacted fortnightly
to remind them to record and submit recent trip data to minimise
recall bias (see Lyle et al., 2002). Diary data fields were: respondent
contact details, trip date, start time/end time of fishing, weather
and ocean conditions, method(s) used, target species, experience
level, and catch details including species caught, number retained
and released, estimated or measured total length and/or weight,
trip-specific and annual expenditure. Although catch rates and
expenditure in this paper reflect that of individual fishers, diarists
were asked to record the number, age (in 5-year categories) and
club membership of fishing companions for each trip to obtain a
broader understanding of the fishery.
Respondents were asked to record details of individual trips intoan electronic diary – created in Microsoft Excel – and return the filevia email on a fortnightly basis. Diarists were contacted fortnightlyto remind them to record and submit recent trip data to minimiserecall bias (see Lyle et al., 2002). Diary data fields were: respondentcontact details, trip date, start time/end time of fishing, weatherand ocean conditions, method(s) used, target species, experiencelevel, and catch details including species caught, number retainedand released, estimated or measured total length and/or weight,trip-specific and annual expenditure. Although catch rates andexpenditure in this paper reflect that of individual fishers, diaristswere asked to record the number, age (in 5-year categories) andclub membership of fishing companions for each trip to obtain abroader understanding of the fishery.
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