(please excuse me if I read it wrong),I am Nasibah binti Abdul Rahman.I am actually related to Brother AbdKareem and Areef Asmae is my cousin.However ,I was born and raised in Malaysia and thats why I am writing to you in English.Please excuse me for I know not a single word in Thai.I would love to ask you personally (because from what I see on your posts,you are quite a great thinker and love to investigate on many knowledge.),regarding studying in Thailand.I had asked my cousin Areef and he said ,studying in Malaysia is better because you have access to English as the medium of communication .But I would love to ask,is there any University in Southern Thailand that is currently safe to be chose ?I mean ,I dont really understand how situation over there and my relatives dont really talk to me about that.I do miss my relatives and I wish we could communicate.Unfortunately ,language is the barrier.It is either I equip myself with Thai or they learn to read Bahasa.But I guess,I need to make the efforts.May I ask you personally Sir,is it worthy ,sacrificing your fortune to study in Thailand ?.Thank you Sir.From what I can see,you are quite an open minded person and love to commit yourself in educating others.I hope that I will be receiving some insights from you Sir.Jazakillah khairal jaza'.