Arinzechukwu — 00:34
i can clean house. cook. wash clothes
Arinzechukwu — 00:35
am not lazy man
Arinzechukwu — 00:40
am not lazy man
Arinzechukwu — 07:14
hello my dear good morning how was your night. i hope that you sleep like a baby
ความลับของจัย — 11:09
i don't remember what the dream to know at least that happy and then you have a good dream about you last night ?
Arinzechukwu — 14:36
yes i dreamed good my dear
ความลับของจัย — 18:23
what are u doing ?
Arinzechukwu — 18:30
am at home
ความลับของจัย — 18:40
do you have dinner ?
Arinzechukwu — 18:41
i.Want to.dinner with you
ความลับของจัย — 19:00
not now next time
ความลับของจัย — 19:04
what kind of the team
Arinzechukwu — 20:12
what you mean
ความลับของจัย — 20:15
in your professional football team