1 seed crops such as cereals, produce) and mung bean variety with a little element of approximately 10-20 percent solid tissue respiration rate is low in various biochemical processes can be maintained with lower over one year, the loss is usually caused by insects and fungi only so before keeping the productivity of crops may be how to prevent pest and fungi by insecticide with the chemical protection or fungi or may use chemicals of crops to produce the insecticide contamination before storage for mice, it could use the help check box.Rakamchat to preserve the productivity of crops should be maintained in a State of low seed moisture content within an approximately 12-14 percent, depending on the type of produce and maintain in a State that has better ventilation because of the moisture inside the kernel that is higher than 14 percent place into the destruction of the fungi. In particular, lack of oxygen to weather change of fat causes the smell huen. Make the bad quality and productivity if the humidity higher than 20 percent, due to the fermentation of compound carbohydrates cause an abnormal smell of alcohol and various organic acids caused by enzymatic digestion and make the seeds rot. However, if you want to preserve the productivity of crops, for a long time. Can be done by keeping in low temperatures combined with low relative humidity to decrease plant to slow down activities.