In [2], android phone controlled robot using Bluetooth analyses the motion technology to capture gestures through an
android smart phone with an inbuilt accelerometer and Bluetooth module to control the kinetics of a robot.The paper
[3] approached a robotic movement control trough the smart phones. Hence a dedicated application is created to control
an embedded robotic hardware. The application controls the movement of the robot. The embedded hardware is
developed on 8051 microcontroller and to be controlled by a Smartphone on the basis of Android platform. 8051
controller is to receive the AT commands from the Smartphone and takes the data and controls the motors of the robot
by the motor driver L293D.In industrial robotic environments there are many different robots performing a variety of
tasks. Each robot is controlled by its own teach pendant or via a networked socket application. However, to monitor the
status or make minor changes to the programming of the robot, the user must obtain access to the pendant or terminal.
In an effort to eliminate this need, this paper introduces an android platform that communicates with robots over a
Bluetooth connection. [4] In paper [5] the smart phone supports IFLYTEK voice input and handwritten input, so it is
agile, convenient, practical to be used and can ensure the reliability of the whole system, on the other hand, by using
Wi-Fi wireless network, the communication between smart phone and robot can be realized, which makes it simple and
convenient to control robot to sing and dance in accordance with the commands.