ctivities in education
A nation will not progress if its citizens are ignorant. It is only through education that a race will become good. This is Hasyim's declaration when he viewed the condition of education in Indonesia which he felt was backward at that point of time. He did not only preach emptily but he proved his seriousness through giving lectures and opening pesantrens. From an initial twenty eight students in the midst of a society which was ignorant of religious teachings. Within ten years his tiny pesantren grew to become a huge one.
The tebu lreng pesantren become the most important supplier of the needs of persantrens in the whole of Java and Madura since 1910. According to Saifuddin Zuhri. Of the nine Ministers of Religion in the early years of Indonesian independence, six of them including Saifuddin Zuhri himself were Hasyim's students. This is a clear evident of the soundness of Hasyim's thought in education and its concrete translation into realirty
Hasyim brought new ideas and reforms in pesantren education upon his return from Mskkah. Among thong changes