We present the case of a patient in whom consecutive imaging assessment and surgery demonstrated the obvious progression of colorectal endometriosis under continuous medical therapy. A 26 year-old nullipara presented with secondary dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, diarrhea, and constipation during menstruation. MRI assessment revealed two right ovarian endometriomas, and no deep endometriosis lesion. Intraoperatively, we found a 2 cm length of thickened and congestive area of sigmoid colon, along with small superficial lesions arising in the small bowel and appendix. We performed ablation of ovarian endometriomas, appendectomy, and decided not to resect the bowel. Postoperative CT-based virtual colonoscopy (CTC) revealed a slight abnormality of the sigmoid colon. Endorectal ultrasound found a normal rectum and sigmoid colon. Despite long-term continuous medical treatment the patient presented 4 years later with impaired digestion consisting in constipation alternating with diarrhea, bloating, dyschesia, and pelvic pain. MRI and CTC revealed an abnormal sigmoid colon from 42 to 50 cm above the anus, with digestive tract diameter reduced from 10 mm down to virtual lumen, along with an overall rigid appearance. Laparoscopy was performed and revealed the extent of endometriosis lesions in the sigmoid colon and multiple implantations in the bowel. We performed sigmoid and small bowel resection. This case reveals the obvious progression of deep rectal endometriosis despite 4 years of continuous hormonal therapy.
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