Dear Diary,
Big argument with my parents tonight. I told them
I want to attend a march next weekend to support the
environment, and what did they say? Did they say,
“Good for you, Beth”? Did they say, “Great idea! We’re
really proud of you”? No way. Mom said: “A march? But
marches are dangerous, aren’t they?” And Dad said,
“You’re kind of young for marches, aren’t you?” “Dad,”
I said, “I’m 16. I’m not a child. I can look after myself.”
Dad said, “I know you’re 16. That makes you a teenager,
doesn't it? Not an adult!” And he and Mom started
So I stood up and said, “Look. You’ve heard about global
warming, haven’t you? Well, it’s happening now. And
this is a problem! I’m trying to do something. OK? So I’ll
be at tending the march on Saturday.” Then I stood up
and walked out of the room. I can’t believe them! I don’t
understand why they won’t support me when I’m trying
to do something good!
Now I’m sitting here in my bedroom. I can hear voices
downstairs. Maybe it’s the TV, but actually I think it’s
my parent s arguing. That’s strange. They don’t usually
argue. Well, not with each other, only with me, of course