This was a cross sectional with retrospective data collection
of cases of umbilical cord prolapse seen at the Nnamdi Azikiwe
University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, South-east Nigeria
from 1st January, 2007 to 31st December, 2011 (a 5-year period). Two
controls per case were randomly selected from the remaining births
by selecting the case just before and after the umbilical cord prolapse
from the birth record.
A thorough scrutiny of the delivery records of the obstetric
unit as well the records of the Medical Records Department and
special care baby unit (SCBU) of the hospital was done to identify
these patients by checking on their names, case file numbers and
their diagnosis at presentation in the labor ward and subsequent
management of their babies if admitted in SCBU. Their case files
were subsequently retrieved and studied. The data extracted from the