In our results, the aqueous extracts of all tested plants showed also significant higher chelating abilities than ethanol extracts with the 1/EC50 values in range 1.91 x 10-2 to 42.19 x 10-2. The aqueous extract of C. harmandiana showed the strongest chelating ability with 1/EC50 of 42.19 x 10-2, followed by O. Gratissimum > S. gratum > B. pulcherrima > C. excavate > D. serrulata > L. aromatic > G. cowa. For the ethanol extract, C. harmandiana and C. excavate had also the strongest chelating ability (2.33 x 10-2), followed by D. serrulata > B. pulcherrima > L. aromatic > O. Gratissimum > S. gratum > G. cowa (Table 1).