6 Chunks of DNA, called Okazaki fragments, are then added to the lagging strand also in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
7 This type of replication is called discontinuous as the Okazaki fragments will need to be joined up later.
8 Once all of the bases are matched up (A with T, C with G), an enzyme called exonuclease strips away the primer(s). The gaps where the primer(s) were are then filled by yet more complementary nucleotides.
9The new strand is proofread to make sure there are no mistakes in the new DNA sequence.
10Finally, an enzyme called DNA ligase? seals up the sequence of DNA into two continuous double strands.
11The result of DNA replication is two DNA molecules consisting of one new and one old chain of nucleotides. This is why DNA replication is described as semi-conservative, half of the chain is part of the original DNA molecule, half is brand new.
12 Following replication the new DNA automatically winds up into a double helix