FIGURE 8 Top: in this experimental section (4% formaldehyde), most particles within the flattened cisternae
and secretory vesicles of the Golgi apparatus bear reaction product. A few of the cisternae and
secretory vesicles contain unreacted particles (arrows). Reaction product is also present on some of the
membranes and ribosomes of nearby rough ER cisternae (arrowheads). No lead stain, x 30,000. Bottom:
reaction product appears on the walls (arrows) of the secretory vesicles of this experimental Golgi apparatus
from a liver fixed in I% formaldehyde for 10 rain. Note the increased electron density of the
membranes of its flattened cisternae (arrowheads). The circled structures are cytoplasmic vesicles, each
containing a single highly reacted particle. The double arrow denotes a structure which appears to be a
smooth-surfaced end of a rough ER cisternae containing a reacted particle. Note the increased electron
density of the membranes of these structures. No lead stain, x 48,000.