Another approach to dealing with financial difficulties during this period is taken by other counties that administer a policy of long-term loans to subsidize expenses during academic studies. These loans are intended to cover students' tuition fees and living costs during their studies. These loans are intended to cover students' tuition fees and living costs during their studies. Repayment of the loan begin only after the student completes his or her studies and begins to earn a salary higher than a defined threshold.If the graduate's income subsequently drops below this threshold, he or she ceases repaying the loan. After a defined number of year of employment, the loan becomes a grant (Gilboa & justman,2008).In Australia and New Zealand, where this policy is administered, the percentage of student registration for higher education resembles that of countries such as France, Germany, Denmark or Ireland where students are not required to pay academic fees for higher education (see table 1 in the Appendix).