Monthly variation of daily average of capture losses, miscella- neous capture losses and thermal capture losses are shown in Fig. 9. Array capture losses include all kinds of losses occurring in solar conversion process from the PV modules. They vary from a minimum of 1.7 h=d in January to a maximum of 2.40 h=d in July. Miscellaneous capture losses can come from many causes such us shading, dust accumulation, wiring losses, diodes losses and PV aging effect on performances. They can quantify the losses but not precise nature of their. Miscellaneous capture losses range from 1.55 h=d (June) to 2.19 h=d (July). Thermal capture losses are proportional to module temperature variations. The warmer months show higher values of thermal capture losses. The thermal capture losses vary from a minimum of 0.04 h=d in January to a maximum of 0.3 h=d in September