Business Unit strategy :
Taylor ‘ s fortune Magazine article describes the story of a man named Akio Toyota and his
Vision for Toyota’s future. Akio has had a very difficult past few years : US market share fell from 18.3 percent from 2009 to 12.9 percent in 2011. Akio for mally apologized be fore congress for his company’s deathtraps that accelerated out of control. And, tsunamis ravaged japan, which killed over 15,000 and halted production at a number of factories while disrupting the supply of 500 parts.
Akio made the following four fundamental changes to reposition Toyota :
Focus on designing brands that excite us buyers : “to give Lexus a sportier image , he championed the development of the $375,000 LFA, a carbon fiber super – car.
Be Fast and Move Quickly : Akio shrank the “board of directors by half and took out layers of management .” Akio also meets with five top advisors ever week and makes decisions on the spot without written agendas.