The Legend of Lightning Larry
The Legend of Slappy Hooper
The Gifts of Wali Dad
Peddler Polly and the Story Stealer
The Baker's Dozen
The Calabash Kids
How Frog Went to Heaven
Help! Hilary! Help!
Which Shoes Do You Choose?
Casey at the Bat
The Magic Brocade A Tale of China
Master Man
A Tall Tale of Nigeria
Tackey The Penguin
Wemberly Worried
Around the Water Cycle
"This Is Your Life, Amelia Bedelia!"
Swamp Thing!!
Where the Sidewalk Ends:
The Magic Carpet Ride
Dinosaurs Reader's Theatre
St.Patrick's Day
The Little Old Lady Who wasn't Afraid of Anything - Halloween
Easter Bunnies Vacation
Where the Wild Things Are
Who Was King
There's a Werewolf In Town
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
What, No Santa?
Turkey Trotten
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
The Animal Trainer
Chicken Little
The Dentist
Dinosaur Land
The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo
No Bath Tonight
The King's Wish
The Fairy Godmother's Assistant
Liza and the Lost Letter
Temper, Temper
Rumpelstiltskin, Private Eye
Remind Me Please
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Three Little Bears Cha-Cha-Cha
Chin Play
The Three Little Pigs
Nursery Rhymes with a Twist
Columbus Day Reader's Theater
The Enormous Nose
The Girl-Fish
Shiloh Season
The Meal Must Go On -Thanksgiving
Earth Day
A Collection of Many
Thematic Scripts
Pippi Goes to School
The Old Women and Her Pig - Level 1
The Haunted Castle - Level 3
Lightning Larry - Grade 2-6
Piggie Pie