How long did it take you to get here today?
- 3 hours? - Yes, around 3 hours.
- My goodness. - I got here around 12 noon.
By the way, I heard...
In Sook got a commercial gig.
What kind of commercial is it?
I got several of them.
- Oh, dear! - Goodness!
(She got several requests.)
- What kind of product is it? - What is it for?
I'm very curious.
(Which product is the commercial for?)
- Is it okay if she says it? - What's the product?
- Maybe they will... - Maybe she can't say it.
No, it's okay.
Is it a toothpaste?
- Kitchen supplies? - Ramyeon?
- Ramyeon? - It's not ramyeon.
I think they won't like it.
That's not true. You don't have to worry at all.
- There are too many products. - There are too many brands.
There are many companies out there.
I'm an old lady, so it's obvious.
What is it?
Is it a wig brand?
(Is it a wig for old ladies?)
- What... - I won't say it.
- It's okay though. - It's because...
- they won't... - Medicine for menopause?
- I think they won't like it. - I see.
- But... - Yes.
- I told them I won't do it. - Why?
Why not?
- Was the money too little? - No.
- Were you embarrassed? - If I appear in a commercial...
right after joining this show, people will say I'm crazy for money.
- That's not true. - No way.
People won't think that.
In Sook, you have to row your boat...
when the water comes in.
Then when will you be fine to be in commercials?
Will you be okay next year?
Of course. That's better.
Commercials are supposed to...
feature people who are the most popular...
and who are in trend at the moment.
But it makes me look like I'm going after the money.
- My hair's all Gray and... - That's not true.
That's how it will look if I appear on a commercial right now.
- Don't you agree? - No, you are mistaken.
- People don't think like that. - So, I refused it at once.
- Oh, dear. - That's understandable.
I think the crew should tell her.
- You refused it, right? - Yes, I did.
So, another mother and son decided to take the commercial.
(Another person is taking the commercial deal I refused?)
Is that right?
That's good.
- You don't look too happy. - That's not true.
I'm okay.
I'm glad to hear it. Who took the job?
I'm really glad.
Of course.
Gun Mo decided to do it.
(Really? Gun Mo and Sun Mi are taking the job?)
- That's good news. - What?
What are you talking about?
No, that's not true.
(Teasing the mothers is the most entertaining thing in the world.)
- It's not true, is it? - What?
- It's not true. - Why are you playing innocent?
- You heard everything. - I didn't hear anything!
- We're just joking. - I've never heard of this.
- We're joking. - We're joking.
We're just kidding.
I knew it!
(I got fooled too.)
Sun Mi, didn't you...
- get any commercial deals? - Didn't you?
- But... - I think she got them.
- I think she did. - I got some.
I think it's still too early for us.
- It has to be more settled. - See?
- She's saying the same thing. - The money was small, wasn't it?
Don't tell us which company it was. What was the product?
You don't have to know that either.
Why don't you tell us anything?
Why did we decide to come out here? It's because we wanted...
- to be of help to our sons. - Of course.
- Of course. - That's why we're here.
- Of course. - That reminds us again...
- that they're adults for a reason. - I know.
- We just hope our sons... - Of course.
- will just keep their place. - I know.
- That's all we ever want. - We want this show to be a success.
We're not here to make money.
All four of us should be in a commercial together.
- Oh, dear! - I will do it if we're all in it.
We can be in it together.
If some other company...
If they're shooting a commercial for a medicine for arthritis...
Hyun Joo, who is the youngest can be the one with arthritis.
When they say, "Let's go", she can be like, "Oh, my knee!"
Then they'll say, "What's wrong? You're still young."
She'll reply, "It's the arthritis. How come you're all fine?"
Then the three of them will shout together, "Look at this!"
When they lift up their trousers, there'll be patches on their knees.
All three of them will have it.
He's good at coming up with a story.
That's a good idea.
One of them will say, "You still don't know about this?"
That's a good idea.
And on the next cut, the three of them will sprint.
I love it.
We have to go to a club together.
- To a club? - Should you go to a club together?
- That's a good one, too. - "Why can't we go?"
"We can go clubbing like Soo Hong, too!"
And their knees would have those patches.
- We can go clubbing with those. - They should show the patches...
after showing us dancing in a club.
Let's say you're a girl group.
You're a girl group.
That would be very nice.
- Let's say you are. - It's a granny girl group.
Even with a normal girl group...
sometimes, they shoot a commercial together...